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Rob's SpringTime gardening preparation.

Rob's Tip Of The Week. Making Your Own Compost Using your own home-made compost is an excellent way of improving your soil, at the same time, getting rid of your garden, and some kitchen, wastes. Locate your composters in an area that is well drained, not shaded, and easily accessible. It is best to use two composters. That way, one can be decomposing whilst the other is being built up. To start building your compost, fill the first layer to a depth of about a foot, using vegetable waste from your kitchen. Lightly tamp down. Next add compost accelerator, available from most garden retailers. Now add about a quarter of an inch of soil. Repeat the layering process several more times to fill up your composter. Mix-in lawn mowings, vegetable peelings, tea-bags, plant leaves and stalks, straw, even old newspapers torn into small pieces. Add a final layer of four inches of soil. Lightly tamp or tread down each added layer to try and eliminate pockets of air which will interfere with your composting. Keep your composters closed at all times. Aerial ViewWhen your compost reaches a dark colour throughout, and has a nice crumbly texture, you will know it is ready for use. Avoid adding diseased plants or vegetation to your composters, and definitely avoid adding eggshells, fish or dairy products that will bring unwanted animals. If your compost remains slimy, cut down on the grass cuttings and add straw to help dry out. If really slimy you may have to temporarily spread out over a suitable area to facilitate drying before re-building your layers. Done properly compost is an excellent organic fertilizer. Have fun!

Special thanks to TheRockStarGardener

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